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At aboriginal afterimage face beating is not a botheration but should still be abhorred due to bloom concerns. Never let a dog lick a babyish or toddlers face. This is acceptable to betrayal the baby to bacilli that its allowed arrangement may not be able to handle. Similarly if your dog has worms or has been investigating added dogs' faeces or even admonishment itself, the endure affair you wish is for your dog to appear and lick your face. Try and abash this behavior application absolute reinforcement. Dogs are amazing animals, but they do not arrive in our homes understanding the rules. No one has told him the mail carrier shouldn't be chased down the block, or Granny should be treated with gentleness and not jumped upon with love, the lovely garden that mother just planted needs to stay earthed, and the sprinklers are not something to be killed. Your dog, with all his creative exploration of behavior options like the counter surfing, chasing cars, chewing your favorite leather shoes and so on, is really just that dog looking for a job, and if she doesn't find one they are sure to create one. Your dog is looking for someone to show him about how things are, to keep him safe, to prepare his meals and most importantly, someone to spend time with them. All he really wants to know is what are the boundaries and rules. Dogs of all types, temperaments, and breeds will behave in this manner without a strong base of training and discipline from their owner.